StuFF SeeMs beTTeR ReGaRdiN SuNMer SiZe waZ muCh SMaLLer noTwiThStaNdiNg I haD oRderEd in xxl STULL LOOKS BETTER
GReeN waZ beTTeR…
WhiTe oNe iZz gOod…
BuT tHe oRANge oNe haS muCh SMaLLer SiZe nOwiTgStaNdiNg tHe fAct tHat I waNTed thiS oNe oN xxl
EMB Dyed Linen Jacquard Front with EMB Lace Dyed Linen Jacquard Back with EMB Lace Dyed Linen Jacquard Sleeves with EMB Lace Printed Linen Dupatta Dyed Linen Trouser Color: Cocoa Bean
EMB Dyed Linen Jacquard Front with EMB Lace
Dyed Linen Jacquard Back with EMB Lace
Dyed Linen Jacquard Sleeves with EMB Lace
Printed Linen Dupatta
Dyed Linen Trouser
Color: Cocoa Bean